Rowling’s new book is ableist and so was Harry Potter
In her new book The Ink Black Heart everyone’s favourite TERF J.K. Rowling decided to add ableism to her growing collection of bigotry. The Ink Black Heart is the sixth instalment in the series about Cormoran Strike and Robin Ellacott, two private detectives, that Rowling writes under the name Robert Galbraith. As most detective novels this story focuses on solving a murder case. The victim is Edie Ledwell, a cartoonist cancelled for ableism by her fans. Although the novel is strangely reminiscent of things that happened to Rowling, she claims that the story wasn’t inspired by her own life and she wanted to write about cancel culture for years.
Quite frankly, I don’t care if Rowling wrote a book about herself or not, what puzzles me is something else. Why did she choose ableism as the reason the author is going to get criticised for? Is Rowling herself an ableist?
Before I attempt to answer these questions, here is a quick disclaimer: I didn’t read the whole book. It is over a thousand pages long and it was written by a transphobe, so I am not going to waste more of my spoons on it than I absolutely have to. For the purpose of this article I watched a few in-depth reviews as well as interviews with the author about the book and I read the parts depicting disabled characters.
The case of a bigoted author
To answer the questions I posed we will have to turn into detectives, employing our own power of deduction and searching for clues in all Rowling’s works as well as the society’s general attitudes towards ableism. Take out your magnifying glass and let’s begin our investigation.
Edie Ledwell is a victim of the story for this reason Rowling probably didn’t want her to be accused of anything that would make her look too bad in the eyes of the readers. She also couldn’t use transphobia as the main focus (although it still gets mentioned offhandedly a few times) because she claims this story isn’t based on her own life in any way.
I think that she chose to use ableism because it is the most acceptable type of bigotry. Many people don’t even believe it exists. Disability is seen as a personal tragedy and there is nothing that society can do for disabled people. There are only three choices for us. We either overcome all the barriers on our own and become inspiration porn. Or we accept that we would never be able to do things we want to and find joy in watching life from the window in our room. This makes us gurus that teach you to be grateful for the little things in life. The third option is for us to die, which in your eyes is an understandable and compassionate choice since by killing ourselves we stopped being a burden. If we decide to reject these choices and instead demand equality, respect, full access and accommodations we are seen as angry, whiny, lazy and hysterical.
That’s how Kea, a disabled antagonist of the story, is depicted as well.
Before she was murdered, Edie got bullied by her fans online and so the detectives are looking for clues in tweets, chat logs and Tumblr posts. Kea is introduced to us via her Twitter bio that includes the list of her chronic illnesses, specifically fibromyalgia, PoTS and chronic fatigue syndrome. Kea’s only character trait is that she is disabled and it is made clear to the readers that she is the wrong kind of disabled. She is proud to be disabled. Her disabilities are invisible and she is hot but instead of using this to hide them she claims her identity openly. In her posts she calls out ableism both in society and in Edie’s cartoon. On her Tumblr page she talks about how it is alright to ask for accomodations, to use mobility aids, admit you are in pain and to reject society’s idea of productivity. All of these are valid points that disability activists have been making for ages. Did Rowling put them in her book to bring attention to an important issue? Unfortunately not. She put them there so she could show the contrast between Kea and Strike, who is an amputee. Strike doesn’t like to use a cane because ‘…the stick added another recognisable feature to an appearance that was already distinctive and in danger of becoming too recognisable, and secondly, because it invited enquiries and sympathy that he found generally unwelcome.’
Rowling just aptly described the feelings all disabled people have towards street ableists. Street Ableists are people who think it okay to stare at disabled people or even to stop us on the street and start asking intrusive questions about our disabilities and our lives in general. It is humiliating, annoying and often scary because those people don’t take no for an answer. Did Rowling call this behaviour out? No, her solution was for Strike not to use a cane regardless of the physical pain he was in without it. The message here is that if we want to avoid being harassed for being disabled we should strive to appear as able-bodied as possible. No one should be required to hide a part of themselves, nor to endure pain or isolation in order to not be abused.
When a different disability rights activist pointed out the use of ableist slurs and mockery of disabled characters in Edie’s cartoon, Rowling missed another opportunity to meaningfully talk about ableism. Instead of admitting that Edie was flawed and some criticism of her was valid (which would in no way justify her getting murdered), she had the fans that called Edie out immediately start attacking her on Twitter. This was done to completely divert the attention of the readers from their original points.
The message here? Disabled activists don’t have valid points; we are just bitter, angry, jealous trolls. This is a very dangerous stereotype because it teaches you that whenever we complain about something, we shouldn’t be listened to. It makes you believe that it is alright to discriminate against us or even abuse us and if we mind, that’s our problem. We should just change our attitude and pull ourselves up by our bootstraps. Rowling just told her readers across the world that it is okay to be ableist.
What are you saying? She didn’t mean it like that, she was probably just drawing from some of her own experiences with toxic fans online? And here I thought the book wasn’t supposed to be about her!
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Ableism
Our investigation now led us to a new question: Why would disability activists criticise Rowling in the past?
“I have no idea. Harry Potter wasn’t ableist, right? Mad Eye Moody was disabled and he was cool!”
When asked about disability in the wizarding world Rowling said that she decided not to include any real life disability, because wizards could cure any naturally occurring disabilities whether a person was born with them or acquired them later as a result of a non-magical accident. The only disabilities that exist in the wizarding world have magical origins. This wouldn’t be a problem if there were various magical disabilities in the story that would give us positive disability representation in a fantasy setting. As a disabled child reading Harry Potter I would love that!
Let’s have a look at what I got instead: disability as a result of dark curses. Mad Eye Moody, Lupin and Neville’s parents all became disabled because of their encounters with evil wizards and Wormtail lost his hand in order to resurrect Voldemort. This teaches the young and impressionable readers that disability itself is something evil that should be feared.
Next we have disability as a punishment. Lockhart ended up permanently disabled after his spell backfired when he attacked Ron and Harry in the second book.
Then there is the promotion of institutionalisation. Both Lockhart and Neville’s parents lived in a hospital despite the fact that this society had means to let them live at home. This reinforces a harmful stereotype that disabled people, especially intellectually disabled people, are better off in institutions. You can find out why this isn’t true in the first article I ever wrote on this blog.
You mentioned Mad Eye Moody being cool. As a character he was cool but as a disabled character not so much. He lost his eye and got a prosthetic that could see through walls and more. He effectively hasn’t lost any abilities on the contrary he gained new extraordinary abilities. If you have a disabled character and you use magic to basically erase their disability, you don’t have a disabled character anymore. When people in real life use prosthetics, mobility aids or adaptive technology, they don’t make us non-disabled. Sure, they make our lives easier, help us to regain lost abilities or reduce pain but they don’t make us non-disabled. We still face ableism in every aspect of our daily lives, we still struggle to obtain funding for our adaptive technology or its repairs, and we still encounter barriers because this world wasn’t built for the prosthetics or mobility aids we use.
Another problem with Moody is that his prosthetics were described as scary. Rowling had a wonderful opportunity to teach kids that visible disability isn’t something weird, disgusting or scary by having the muggle-born students to be the only ones scared by Moody’s apparence. The readers of Harry Potter could then internalise that looking different is not a bad thing.
She had a chance to wave a wand and change the attitude of an entire generation towards visibly disabled people and she didn’t.
Instead she chose to spread fatphobia. Most of the characters in the story that are described as fat are either evil (Uncle Vernon, Dudley, Aunt Marge, Crabbe and Goyle) or at least incompetent (Neville in the first few books).
The werewolf in the room
“But she also did some good with Lupin. She said that him being a werewolf was inspired by the stigma HIV positive people face!”
And what good has it done to challenge that stigma? The comparison is at best clumsy and at worst harmful. In the book Lupin was turned into a werewolf after being deliberately bitten by Fenrir Greyback. HIV positive people don’t go around deliberately infecting others. And if you are aware of having the virus there is no way you could give it to someone by accident. This means that unlike werewolves, HIV positive people don’t pose a danger to society. Implying that they do, doesn’t challenge the stigma, but reinforces it.
In the books the Marauders found a way to help Lupin to control himself in his werewolf form. This is a great example of how accomodations help us manage the negative effects of our disabilities. The problem is that after graduation Lupin didn’t share this knowledge with people in order to help other werewolves. Instead he took the potion and locked himself away every month. This teaches the readers that the only way to help disabled people experiencing a meltdown is to sedate them and lock them somewhere.
When Tonks fell in love with him, Lupin refused to date her, because he was afraid of being a burden. After she got pregnant, he ran away from his family out of fear that his child would share his condition. Despite the fact that thanks to the other Marauders, he knew exactly what accommodations his child would need to manage their condition.
Let’s get a few things straight here, shall we? Disabled people aren’t burdens, having a disabled child isn’t a curse nor a tragedy and disabled people can be good parents.
Rowling’s portrayal of Lupin reinforces harmful stereotypes about both HIV positive people and disabled people.
Lethal misrepresentation
“Maybe you are right and her books really are ableist. I just don’t understand why you care so much, they are just books…”
I care because representation matters. For many people, fictional stories are the only source of information about disability. They form their opinion on us based on movies and books. Harry Potter books are hailed as one of the best children stories ever written and they are still incredibly popular. Teaching new generations that disability is a bad scary thing is harmful. And writing a thousand pages long book where you paint disabled activists fighting against ableism as dangerous entitled trolls is downright sinister.
I can’t even tell you how happy I am to read such an eloquent piece that calls out every ableist issue with her work. I’ll be linking to this piece a lot, I imagine. I’m a formerly fat, multiply disabled, neurodivergent, bi trans man, and considering how many of her fans refuse to believe she’s done anything wrong and attack me for pointing out she’s a bigot and that supporting her puts money in the pockets of a bigot, I need all the evidence of her various kinds of bigotry that I can get. Thanks so much for your detailed explanation of the issue!
Kristína Lucien
I am glad to be of help in calling her out 🙂
You don’t have enough “spoons” to actually read a book you’re attempting to analyze (which is not only unprofessional but also extremely rude) but you do have enough “spoons” to write a lengthy article about it full of bitter accusations based on far-fetched “evidence”.
The HP books are a lesson in love, respect and tolerance. JKR may not have cured every ill out there, she may not be perfect and not every tiny detail in her books may add up – but she has made this world a better place by her writing. Can you claim the same thing for yourself?
P.S. I wonder whether this comment will make it onto your website.
Coura, I feel you, you exude that love rowlling teaches and all her lovely fans spread.
your writing has helped the world turn in to a better place by this comment without a doubt, ignoring and casting a shadow of distrust over the people actually hurt by the issue. you are a hero
I came across this article while I was thinking about Rowling’s history of bigotry that as massive (FORMER!) Potterhead in my youth, I was simply too young to pick up on because I was having too much fun following the adventures of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger attending classes at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
I am also disabled, being neurodivergent with Asperger’s/ASD, and having had the time to essentially bury my heartbreak about Rowling being scum over the last four years (which is something I had to do on top of being forced into COVID-19 pandemic lockdown at the time) I am appreciative of this article. That being said, I wish you had brought up the troubling aspect of developmental disabilities in the Harry Potter universe as well. Case in point, how Rowling in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets introduces the concept of Squibs, which I have come to retroactively interpret as her personal commentary about developmental disorders. Remember, the most prominent Squib in the books is Hogwarts Caretaker Argus Filch, who is portrayed as an annoying nuisance whenever he shows up. It’s then revealed he is involved in the Kwickspell course, trying to overcome his developmental disabilities in learning magic, and it’s treated as a source of ridicule, as in Rowling is implying that developmentally disabled people who seek legitimate help are worthy of being mocked for it.
Then there is the case of Luna Lovegood, who while she’s not STRICTLY as troubling as the examples of Mad-Eye Moody and Remus Lupin that you cited, she could be seen as the closest thing to “Autism Spectrum Representation” in Harry Potter, and while she does become friends with the dynamic trio, they still feel the need to occasionally make disparaging comments at her expense with her living in whatever world she has inside her head and her hyperfixations, both traits that are very common in ASD. It feels like Rowling is trying to say “Yes, you should be accepting of those with ASD, but you should do so while also pointing out how weired and/or strange they are behind their back or when they’re not paying attention.” Granted, that’s not as cruel as the Lupin/Lycanthropy/HIV metaphor, but it’s cruel in its own way.
Disability representation is always a gamble in fictional storytelling, especially in the fantastical settings of science-fiction and fantasy. Even the one with the best intentions do sometimes have troubling aspects to them, like say when the late Stan Lee from Marvel Comics created Matt Murdock/Daredevil to be a blind superhero, there was some legitimate and valid criticism from Blindness Activists that there was a troubling aspect of his superpowers being tied to his disability, especially since Matt Murdock was blinded in an accident rather than being born blind, not to dissimilar from the criticism of Mad-Eye Moody in this article. However, that being said, at least the late Stan Lee was never a cruel or hateful person who went on social media to throw tantrums about “cancel culture” or try to insinuate that people who are different, whether that difference be based on ethnicity, orientation, gender and/or gender identity, religion, and yes, even disability, that those differences made them unworthy of having the same rights as everyone else. When Stan Lee preached about acceptance and tolerance, he both walked the walk and talked the talk, even when he would have the occasional honest misstep in doing so. Rowling, conversely, chose to let go mask off and let her bigotry flag fly proudly when she realized she would never have to worry about money again, because if she really was “cancelled” like she claims she was, she would be in poverty again instead of being able to live and float on Harry Potter royalty checks for the rest of her life.
Thanks for this. That book is so wrong in so many levels. It also depicts a child with a psychological condition “as big an obnoxious” this was said by Strike and as he has a disability himself it looks like he’s entitled to be a c**
Kristina Lucien
Hello Coura,
Thank you for your comment, I wrote this article to educate people about dangers of ableism in popular media and to engage in a discussion, so I have no reason not to display your comment. This article was never meant to be a review nor an analysis of The Ink Black Heart, it was written to highlight the harmful impact of the depiction of disability rights activists in the story. I did read and analysed this depiction. And as a disabled activist I can talk about the impact this will have on us and our work.
As for Harry Potter, I don’t expect one book series – however great or popular – to “cured every ill out there” but when writing a children book knowing it is going to have a huge reach – which she knew while writing the 3rd book and onward – it is your responsibility to avoid putting harmful stereotypes in your story as to not perpetuate them.